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Cancelling/ Modifying an Order

  • Order Cancellations: You have a 12-hour window to request the cancellation of your order from the time of purchase. After this period, we won’t be able to cancel the order as it will be processed in our system.
  • Modifying an order: If you need to change any information in your order, please contact us within 12 hours of purchase through our Telegram channel or email. Unfortunately, after this time frame, we won’t be able to process order modifications.
Returns, Exchanges & Returns Icon

Returns, Exchanges & Returns

  • We are sorry to say that we do not accept returns or exchanges. However, we understand that there might be special circumstances, and we are willing to consider exceptions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@tfalpha.xyz so we can assist you further. If you receive from TFAlpha Crypto Shop item(s) that fall into the following criteria:
    • Wrong style, size from what was ordered,
    • Damaged item(s) due to poor packaging/during shipping,

  • Please submit your evidence along with your claim to our Telegram channel https://t.co/BPFkNHJEPO or via email support@tfalpha.xyz to get quick support. Make sure your evidence includes photos demonstrating clearly the errors mentioned above together with the shipping label. After receiving your evidence, if it is approved, we will discuss whether you prefer a replacement or refund and follow accordingly:
    • For item replacement: We will send you the correct item without charging you any fee.
    • For refund: We will issue a refund to your original payment method.
    • We won’t issue a refund based on complaints about product quality not meeting expectations, as individual expectations may vary. We encourage you to read the product description carefully before placing an order.

    • To be eligible for returns or refunds, you must contact us within 30 days after receiving your item(s). Additional information may be required during the process, so make sure to provide all necessary evidence promptly.
Stolen/ Lost Items Icon

Stolen/ Lost Items

  • If your package is missing or stolen, contact us with your order ID. We will work with you to resolve the issue and may require additional information to assist you effectively.
Incorrect Shipping Address Icon

Incorrect Shipping Address

  • Please be aware that we cannot issue any refund for orders with incorrect or incomplete shipping addresses provided during the checkout process. It’s essential to ensure your address information is accurate when placing the order to avoid any delivery problems.
  • Our Customer Support is available 24/7 to assist you. If you face any issues or have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us for help. Our team is always here, ready to provide you with the support you need. Feel free to reach out to us anytime, and we’ll be delighted to assist you with any problems you may encounter.